When will Fujifilm announce the X-Pro4?? (2024)

When will Fujifilm announce the X-Pro4?? (1)

I get asked somewhat regularly when I think the X-Pro4 camera will be announced, or if it will ever come. It’s long overdue. Some folks are even losing hope, believing that Fujifilm has abandoned the line altogether. I often see questions like: When will the next X-Pro come? What will be different about it? Was the X-Pro3 the last iteration?

The X-Pro1 is a historically significant camera. It was the first interchangeable-lens X-series model, and the first X-Trans camera. Fujifilm’s success in the digital camera world hinged on this one model. If it flopped, there would not likely be any X or GFX cameras being manufactured today. The X-series would be a forgotten footnote, like Samsung’s NX line. However, the camera was a success, and the rest is history, as they say.

The lifecycle of the X-Pro series has been pretty consistent. The X-Pro1 was announced in early 2012. Exactly four years later, the X-Pro2 was announced. The X-Pro3 came just a smidge early, in fall 2019 (instead of early 2020). If this pattern continued, the next X-Pro—presumably called X-Pro4, or maybe X-Pro5 since the number four is considered unlucky in Japan (sometimes, but not always, Fujifilm skips it)— should have come out either in fall of 2023 or first quarter of 2024. Obviously it didn’t. And there’s not been any indication that it is coming soon, either. The X-Pro4 is now long overdue, and seemingly abandoned. An X-Pro4 in 2024 would have made a lot of sense, as would an X-Pro5 in 2025 (assuming they skip the number four).

In my opinion, camera makers refresh camera lines much too quickly. A four-year cycle should be pretty normal, and some models should take longer than that. I don’t have a problem with the next X-Pro coming out five or even six years since the last. I do wish that the X-Pro3 hadn’t been discontinued. I can’t say for sure, but its discontinuation was likely due to the ribbon wiring harness to the rear screen not being reliable enough, which caused problems for some X-Pro3 owners. The backwards rear screen was a bold experiment that I applaud Fujifilm for having the guts to try, but ultimately I think it was a bust. Between the screen issues and so-so sales after the initial demand faded, I think Fujifilm felt the X-Pro3 had run its course after three years.

When will Fujifilm announce the X-Pro4?? (2)

Just to be clear, I have no inside information. Sometimes people assume that I do, but I don’t. I get my information the same way that you do. All I have are guesses. Please take this article with a grain of salt.

I believe that Fujifilm is currently developing the next X-Pro camera right now. I don’t know if they’re at the beginning stages or near the end or somewhere in-between (probably somewhere in-between). It’s possible that a few people already have their hands on a prototype, I don’t know. But I do have a lot of confidence that the work has begun on the camera and it is somewhere on the path to becoming a reality. There will be an X-Pro4 (or maybe called X-Pro5) in the future, I’m 99.9% sure of it.

When exactly the camera comes out and what will be different about it is something I don’t know. Back in 2023 I speculated that it was likely to be released in 2024. Earlier this year I speculated that it was likely fall of 2024, or maybe spring 2025 at the latest. Obviously I was wrong about those dates. Some speculation that I’m mildly confident will prove to be true: the next X-Pro iteration won’t be X-Trans V, but X-Trans VI.

Fujifilm introduced the world to X-Trans technology with the X-Pro1. The X-Trans I sensor was fairly short lived (only the X-Pro1, X-E1, and X-M1 cameras had it… the X-M1 paired the sensor with the X-Trans II processor). The X-Pro series completely skipped over the X-Trans II sensor. Fujifilm introduced the X-Trans III sensor with the X-Pro2. The X-Pro3 was the third X-Trans IV camera; however, they introduced Classic Negative, Grain size, Color Chrome FX Blue, and Clarity with it. My guess is that—like X-Trans II—Fujifilm will skip X-Trans V and go straight for X-Trans VI, introducing that sensor with the next X-Pro camera.

When will Fujifilm announce the X-Pro4?? (3)

I don’t know what will differentiate X-Trans VI from X-Trans V, but my guess is speed and efficiency. Probably not megapixels. I suspect that Fujifilm will look to improve autofocus, frame rates, sensor readout, heat dispersion, and things like that, with the next X-Trans sensor. Most of these improvements are unlikely to significantly impact an X-Pro model due to how people typically use these cameras, but I’m sure they will be welcomed nonetheless—especially if the Clarity pause can (finally) be shortened. Fujifilm might (should, in my opinion) introduce a new Film Simulation—Fortia? XPro (cross-process)? Natura? PRO Neg H (looks like 400H and turns pastel with overexposure)?—and maybe a new JPEG tool or two (faded shadows? split toning? Medium Grain strength and size? mid-tone boost? half-step WB Shift?) with the X-Pro4. Increasing the number of Custom Settings presets from 7 to 10 (or more) would be celebrated. The XPan aspect ratio is a must, I think. There’s plenty that Fujifilm could do.

But there’s also plenty that Fujifilm shouldn’t do. I will be mildly surprised if the X-Pro4 has a backwards screen like the X-Pro3 (my guess is that it will be more like the X100VI and X-T5); otherwise, the less they change the better. Look at the feedback from the X-Pro2 and X-Pro3, and change as little as possible. In my opinion, the best X-Pro iteration was the Fujifilm X-Pro2, so if the upcoming X-Pro is more like it I certainly won’t complain.

My guess is that the X-Pro4 (maybe called X-Pro5) will be announced either in September/October of 2025 or (more likely) the first quarter of 2026. Prior to its announcement, I would expect that Fujifilm will release an X-E5 (the X-E series is almost always released at the end of a sensor generation) and maybe an X-T30 III. Both of those will likely have an X-Trans IV sensor paired with the X-Trans V processor (although it is certainly possible that the X-E5 will get the 40mp X-Trans V sensor). I wouldn’t be surprised to see another model, such as the 1″ sensor camera that’s been rumored, also announced in 2025. My best guess—and remember, it’s just a guess—is that the next X-Pro, along with the X-Trans VI sensor, will arrive in early 2026, approximately 15 to 16 months from now. I know a lot of people are looking forward to it, and it will surely eventually happen, but I think it’s still a little ways out.


When will Fujifilm announce the X-Pro4?? (2024)
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