Three Syllable Words (Everything You Need to Know) - EngDic (2024)

Table of Contents
What are 3-Syllable Words? Three Syllable Words Three-Syllable Words List A to Z 3-Syllable Words Starting with A Easy Three Syllable Words Starting with B Three-Syllable Words Starting with C Simple Three-Syllable Words Starting with D 3-Syllable Words Starting with E Easy Three-Syllable Words Starting with F Three-Syllable Words Starting with G Simple Three-Syllable Words Starting with H 3-Syllable Words Starting with I Easy Three-Syllable Words Starting with J Simple Three Syllable Words Starting with K 3-Syllable Words Starting with L Easy Three-Syllable Words Starting with M Three-Syllable Words Starting with N Simple Three-Syllable Words Starting with O 3-Syllable Words Starting with P Easy Three Syllable Words Starting with Q Three-Syllable Words Starting with R Simple Three-Syllable Words Starting with S 3-Syllable Words Starting with T Easy Three Syllable Words Starting with U Three-Syllable Words Starting with V Simple Three Syllable Words Starting with W 3-Syllable Words Starting with X, Y, Z How to Identify 3-Syllable Words? 1. Listening to Vowel Sounds 2. Feeling the Emphasis 3. Watching Mouth Movement 4. Clapping Hands 5. Breaking the Word Down Examples: 3-Syllable Words for All Classes 3-Syllable Words for Kindergarten: 3-Syllable Words for Grade 1: 3-Syllable Words for Grade 2: 3-Syllable Words for Class 3: Open 3-Syllable Words Closed 3-Syllable Words Powerful 3-Syllable Words Three Syllable Words with Silent ‘E’: Animals with 3 Syllables: Three Syllable Words that Rhyme: Three Syllable Words Teams: Phrases with 3-Syllable Words: Three Syllable Words Speech Therapy: FAQ’s How to Teach 3-Syllable Words? How to Pronounce 3-Syllable Words? How to Separate 3-Syllable Words? How to Stress 3-Syllable Words?

Welcome to our fun-filled lesson, kids and teachers! Today, we’ll embark on an exciting adventure into the world of three-syllable words. These are the words that dance in our sentences and stories.

We’ll learn to clap, tap, and snap them together, turning sounds into rhythms.

What are 3-Syllable Words?

Three-syllable words are words that consist of three distinct units of sound, or syllables. Each syllable typically has a vowel sound. The way to determine how many syllables a word has is by noting the peaks of prominence or the places where the vocal pattern is at its highest point, which usually corresponds with the vowel sounds.

For example:

  • Chocolate (choc-o-late)
  • Beautiful (beau-ti-ful)
  • Computer (com-pu-ter)

In these examples, you can hear and feel a distinct peak in the sound for each syllable when you pronounce them.

Three Syllable Words

Here are some most common 3 syllable words that are used in our daily communication;

  • Banana
  • Bicycle
  • Family
  • Elephant
  • Dinosaur
  • Chocolate
  • Computer
  • Balloon
  • Strawberry
  • Alphabet
  • Hospital
  • Different
  • Apartment
  • Remember
  • Melody
  • Family
  • Everyone
  • Sandwich
  • Together
  • Tomorrow
  • Dangerous
  • Beautiful
  • Kangaroo
  • Telephone
  • Vegetable
  • December
  • Umbrella
  • November
  • Butterfly
  • Exercise
  • Calendar
  • Everything
  • Universe
  • Favorite
  • Fantastic
  • Important
  • Discover
  • Happiness
  • Excellent
  • Delicious
  • Adventure
  • Magazine
  • Character
  • Musician
  • Animal
  • Caterpillar
  • Restaurant
  • Yesterday
  • Spaghetti
  • Library
  • Suddenly
  • Mystery
  • Treasure
  • Celebrate
Three Syllable Words (Everything You Need to Know) - EngDic (1)

Three-Syllable Words List A to Z

3-Syllable Words Starting with A

  • abandon
  • abdicate
  • abolish
  • absolute
  • abundant
  • acceptance
  • accident
  • accountant
  • accurate
  • achievement
  • acknowledge
  • activate
  • addition
  • adjustment
  • admission
  • adopted
  • advantage
  • adventure
  • advertise
  • adviser
  • advocate
  • afternoon
  • agency
  • agenda
  • agreement
  • alcohol
  • alien
  • alliance
  • allocate
  • allowance
  • amazing
  • ambition
  • ambitious
  • ambulance
  • amendment
  • analyse
  • analyst
  • angelic
  • animal
  • announcement
  • apartment
  • appearance
  • appendix
  • applicant
  • appointment
  • approval
  • archbishop
  • architect
  • area
  • argument
  • aroma
  • arrangement
  • arrival
  • article
  • assemble
  • assembly
  • assertive
  • assessment
  • assignment
  • assistance
  • assistant
  • assumption
  • assurance
  • astronaut
  • athletic
  • atmosphere
  • attendance
  • attention
  • attentive
  • attitude
  • attraction
  • attribute
  • audience
  • audition
  • auditor
  • authentic
  • autograph
  • avenue
  • average
  • awareness

Easy Three Syllable Words Starting with B

  • baltimore
  • banana
  • barbecue
  • barnacle
  • barrier
  • basketball
  • battery
  • befuddle
  • beginning
  • behaviour
  • benefit
  • bereavement
  • bermuda
  • biblical
  • bicycle
  • bottomless
  • boundary
  • broccoli
  • buffalo
  • bulldozer
  • burrito
  • businessman
  • butterfly
  • buttermilk

Three-Syllable Words Starting with C

  • cabinet
  • calculate
  • calendar
  • camera
  • candidate
  • cantaloupe
  • capable
  • capital
  • careful
  • carrier
  • casual
  • catalogue
  • cathedral
  • celebrate
  • celery
  • centipede
  • century
  • champion
  • chancellor
  • character
  • charity
  • chatterbox
  • chemical
  • chihuahua
  • chimpanzee
  • chinchilla
  • chivalry
  • chocolate
  • cigarette
  • cinema
  • cinnamon
  • circular
  • circulate
  • circ*mstance
  • citizen
  • clarify
  • classify
  • coincide
  • collection
  • collector
  • colony
  • commander
  • commission
  • commitment
  • committed
  • committee
  • commonwealth
  • companion
  • company
  • compensate
  • complete
  • completion
  • component
  • compromise
  • computer
  • concentrate
  • conception
  • concession
  • conclusion
  • condition
  • conference
  • confidence
  • confident
  • confusion
  • connection
  • consciousness
  • consequence
  • consider
  • constable
  • constitute
  • construction
  • consultant
  • consumer
  • consummate
  • consumption
  • contemplate
  • continent
  • continue
  • contribute
  • convention
  • conversion
  • conviction
  • copyright
  • correspond
  • corridor
  • councillor
  • councilor
  • counterpart
  • courteous
  • coverage
  • creation
  • creative
  • creditor
  • criticise
  • criticism
  • criticize
  • crocodile
  • cucumber
  • curious
  • currency
  • customer

Simple Three-Syllable Words Starting with D

  • daffodil
  • dalmatian
  • dangerous
  • database
  • debacle
  • decision
  • decisive
  • decorate
  • dedicate
  • defendant
  • defender
  • deficit
  • delegate
  • delightful
  • deliver
  • democrat
  • demonstrate
  • density
  • department
  • departure
  • deposit
  • depression
  • deputy
  • description
  • descriptive
  • designer
  • destiny
  • destruction
  • detective
  • determine
  • develop
  • devoted
  • diagram
  • dialogue
  • diamond
  • diary
  • difference
  • difficult
  • dimension
  • diminish
  • dinosaur
  • direction
  • directive
  • director
  • disagree
  • disappear
  • disaster
  • discipline
  • discover
  • discretion
  • discussion
  • dismissal
  • disorder
  • disposal
  • distinction
  • distinguish
  • distribute
  • dividend
  • division
  • document
  • dominate
  • domino
  • dorito
  • dragonfly
  • duplicate
  • duration

3-Syllable Words Starting with E

  • edition
  • editor
  • educate
  • efficient
  • elastic
  • election
  • electric
  • element
  • elephant
  • eloquent
  • emanate
  • embody
  • emission
  • emotion
  • emperor
  • emphasise
  • emphasize
  • employee
  • employer
  • employment
  • enable
  • encounter
  • encourage
  • enemy
  • energy
  • engagement
  • engineer
  • enquiry
  • enterprise
  • entertain
  • entitle
  • entity
  • envelope
  • envisage
  • episode
  • equation
  • equipment
  • equity
  • establish
  • estimate
  • eventful
  • evidence
  • examine
  • example
  • excellent
  • exception
  • excitement
  • exciting
  • exclusion
  • execute
  • exercise
  • exhibit
  • existence
  • expansion
  • expertise
  • explosion
  • exposure
  • expression
  • extension

Easy Three-Syllable Words Starting with F

  • fabricate
  • fabulous
  • factory
  • factual
  • falafel
  • family
  • fantastic
  • fantasy
  • favorite
  • favourite
  • feminine
  • festival
  • firmament
  • flamingo
  • flexible
  • formation
  • formula
  • formulate
  • foundation
  • frankfurter
  • frequency
  • funeral
  • furniture

Three-Syllable Words Starting with G

  • galaxy
  • gallery
  • general
  • generate
  • generic
  • generous
  • gentleman
  • genuine
  • gibberish
  • gorgeous
  • gorilla
  • gossamer
  • government
  • governor
  • graduate
  • grandiose
  • guarantee
  • guardian

Simple Three-Syllable Words Starting with H

  • halibut
  • hamburger
  • handkerchief
  • happiness
  • harmony
  • harpsichord
  • havarti
  • hazelnut
  • healthy
  • heartwarming
  • hemisphere
  • heritage
  • hesitant
  • hesitate
  • hexagon
  • hickory
  • history
  • holiday
  • honeydew
  • hooligan
  • horizon
  • horseradish
  • hospital
  • hummingbird
  • humorous
  • hyena

3-Syllable Words Starting with I

  • icicle
  • idea
  • illustrate
  • imagine
  • imitate
  • impactful
  • implement
  • importance
  • important
  • impression
  • impressive
  • improvement
  • incentive
  • incidence
  • incident
  • indicate
  • indigo
  • industry
  • infection
  • inflation
  • influence
  • inhaler
  • inherit
  • inhibit
  • injection
  • injury
  • innocent
  • inquiry
  • insecure
  • insightful
  • inspection
  • inspector
  • institute
  • instruction
  • instrument
  • insulin
  • integrate
  • intension
  • intention
  • interest
  • interface
  • interfere
  • internal
  • interpret
  • interrupt
  • interval
  • intervene
  • interview
  • introduce
  • invasion
  • investment
  • investor
  • involvement
  • isolate
  • ivory

Easy Three-Syllable Words Starting with J

  • jacuzzi
  • janitor
  • javelin
  • jellybean
  • jeopardy
  • jetliner
  • jewelry
  • jocular
  • journalist
  • jubilant
  • jupiter
  • justify
  • juvenile

Simple Three Syllable Words Starting with K

  • kangaroo
  • karate
  • kielbasa
  • kinetic
  • kissably
  • knowingly

3-Syllable Words Starting with L

  • ladybug
  • lasagna
  • leadership
  • liberal
  • liberty
  • library
  • licorice
  • limited
  • litany
  • location
  • logical
  • lollypop
  • loyalty

Easy Three-Syllable Words Starting with M

  • magazine
  • magistrate
  • majestic
  • management
  • manager
  • marketing
  • masculine
  • measurement
  • mechanism
  • medical
  • medicine
  • medium
  • melody
  • membership
  • memory
  • mercury
  • microwave
  • mineral
  • minimum
  • minister
  • ministry
  • modify
  • molecule
  • monitor
  • mosquito
  • motivate
  • multiply
  • museum
  • musical
  • musician
  • mystery

Three-Syllable Words Starting with N

  • nautical
  • nectarine
  • negligent
  • neighborly
  • newspaper
  • nightingale
  • nocturnal
  • notable
  • numerous
  • nursery

Simple Three-Syllable Words Starting with O

  • objection
  • objective
  • observer
  • occasion
  • occupy
  • october
  • octopus
  • offender
  • officer
  • official
  • olympics
  • opening
  • opera
  • operate
  • opinion
  • opponent
  • opposite
  • optimum
  • orderly
  • organic
  • organise
  • organism
  • organize
  • origin
  • ornament
  • overcome
  • overnight
  • ownership
  • oxygen

3-Syllable Words Starting with P

  • pajamas
  • papaya
  • parachute
  • paragraph
  • parliament
  • parmesan
  • particle
  • partnership
  • passenger
  • pelican
  • penalty
  • penetrate
  • pensioner
  • percentage
  • perception
  • perfection
  • performance
  • period
  • permanent
  • permission
  • personnel
  • perspective
  • petunia
  • photograph
  • piano
  • piccolo
  • pineapple
  • platypus
  • poetry
  • policeman
  • policy
  • pollution
  • porcupine
  • portfolio
  • portugal
  • position
  • possession
  • potato
  • potential
  • preference
  • pregnancy
  • premium
  • president
  • principle
  • prisoner
  • privilege
  • procedure
  • proceeding
  • processor
  • producer
  • production
  • profession
  • professor
  • promotion
  • property
  • proportion
  • proposal
  • protection
  • protein
  • provision
  • publisher
  • punishment
  • purchaser

Easy Three Syllable Words Starting with Q

  • quadruple
  • quadruplet
  • qualify
  • quality
  • quantity
  • quarentine
  • quintuplet
  • quizzical
  • quotable
  • quotation

Three-Syllable Words Starting with R

  • radical
  • radio
  • raspberry
  • ratio
  • rattlesnake
  • reaction
  • readily
  • realise
  • realize
  • reassure
  • receiver
  • reception
  • recession
  • recipe
  • recognise
  • recognize
  • recommend
  • recording
  • recover
  • rectangle
  • reduction
  • reference
  • reflection
  • refugee
  • refusal
  • register
  • regulate
  • reinforce
  • relation
  • relative
  • religion
  • remedy
  • remember
  • removal
  • replacement
  • replica
  • reporter
  • represent
  • reproduce
  • republic
  • requirement
  • researcher
  • resemble
  • residence
  • resident
  • resistance
  • resolve
  • restaurant
  • restriction
  • retirement
  • revenge
  • revenue
  • ricochet
  • romania
  • rosemary
  • rotary

Simple Three-Syllable Words Starting with S

  • salary
  • satellite
  • satisfy
  • saxophone
  • scientist
  • scientists
  • scorpion
  • screwdriver
  • selection
  • seminar
  • sensation
  • separate
  • serious
  • settlement
  • shadowy
  • shareholder
  • situate
  • skeleton
  • solution
  • spaghetti
  • spatula
  • specialist
  • specify
  • specimen
  • stimulate
  • stimulus
  • strategy
  • strawberry
  • studio
  • subsidy
  • substitute
  • succession
  • successor
  • suggestion
  • suicide
  • summary
  • supervise
  • supplement
  • supplier
  • supporter
  • surgery
  • surrender
  • survival
  • suspicion
  • syllable
  • sympathy

3-Syllable Words Starting with T

  • talented
  • tambourine
  • tangerine
  • tapioca
  • taxation
  • teenager
  • telephone
  • tendency
  • terrific
  • theatre
  • theology
  • theory
  • therapy
  • tomato
  • tomorrow
  • tortilla
  • tournament
  • tradition
  • tragedy
  • trampoline
  • transaction
  • transition
  • trapezoid
  • traveller
  • treacherous
  • treasury
  • tremendous
  • tribunal
  • triumphant
  • tropical
  • turnover

Easy Three Syllable Words Starting with U

  • ultimate
  • umbrella
  • uncanny
  • undergo
  • underground
  • underline
  • undermine
  • understand
  • undertake
  • ungainly
  • unhappy
  • unicorn
  • uniform
  • united
  • unity
  • universe
  • unlikely
  • unlucky
  • unpleasant
  • unruly
  • untidy
  • utensil

Three-Syllable Words Starting with V

  • vacation
  • vanilla
  • vehicle
  • victory
  • video
  • vinegar
  • viola
  • violence
  • violin
  • visitor
  • vitamin
  • volcano
  • volunteer

Simple Three Syllable Words Starting with W

  • wallaby
  • wasabi
  • watercress
  • wednesday
  • whimpering
  • whimsical
  • whoever
  • withdrawal
  • woodpecker
  • worktable
  • woverine

3-Syllable Words Starting with X, Y, Z

  • xylitol
  • xylophone
  • yesterday
  • yesteryear
  • zookeeper
  • zucchini

How to Identify 3-Syllable Words?

Identifying three-syllable words involves breaking down the word into its individual syllables. Here are steps and tips on how to do this:

1. Listening to Vowel Sounds

Each syllable in a word has at least one vowel sound. Listen carefully as you slowly say the word.

2. Feeling the Emphasis

Often, one syllable in a word is emphasized or stressed more than the others. This stress can help identify the syllables, but not all syllables are stressed.

3. Watching Mouth Movement

Place your hand under your chin and say the word slowly. Your mouth will drop open for each vowel sound, and your chin will make a slight downward movement. Count these movements.

4. Clapping Hands

Clap once for each syllable as you say the word. Each clap corresponds to a peak in vocal pitch or emphasis.

5. Breaking the Word Down

Try to break the word into smaller parts or individual sounds. This doesn’t necessarily mean single letters, as some syllables may consist of multiple letters.


Fantastic: Fan-tas-tic

  • Listen for the three vowel sounds: ‘a’ in fan, ‘a’ in tas, and ‘i’ in tic.
  • The stress is typically on the second syllable ‘tas.’
  • Clapping three times while saying it slowly can help to identify each syllable.

Celebration: Cel-e-bra-tion

  • This word has four syllables, but if you stop after the third (Cel-e-bra), you can feel the three distinct parts.
  • The primary stress is on ‘bra.’

University: U-ni-ver-si-ty

  • Although this word has five syllables, focusing on the first three (U-ni-ver) will help you identify the three-syllable pattern.
  • The stress usually falls on ‘ver.’

Remember that syllable division can sometimes be tricky and might not always follow logical spelling rules. Some words may have silent vowels or other complexities. Listening to the word as it is pronounced by a native speaker can often be the most helpful method for identifying syllables.

3-Syllable Words for All Classes

3-Syllable Words for Kindergarten:

  • Elephant
  • Butterfly
  • Strawberry
  • Kangaroo
  • Chocolate
  • Sandwich
  • Balloon
  • Birthday
  • Cupcake
  • Family
  • Rainbow
  • Dinosaur
  • Airplane
  • Triangle
  • Umbrella
  • Animal
  • Caterpillar
  • Telephone
  • Adventure
  • Tomorrow
Three Syllable Words (Everything You Need to Know) - EngDic (2)

3-Syllable Words for Grade 1:

  • Computer
  • Musician
  • Vegetable
  • Remember
  • December
  • Hospital
  • Apartment
  • Calendar
  • Universe
  • Fantastic
  • Important
  • Exercise
  • Magazine
  • Character
  • Happiness
  • Delicious
  • Excellent
  • Suddenly
  • Melody
  • Treasure

3-Syllable Words for Grade 2:

  • Library
  • Everything
  • Hippopotamus
  • Butterfly
  • Celebrate
  • Mystery
  • Different
  • November
  • Dangerous
  • Beautiful
  • Favorite
  • Discover
  • Restaurant
  • Spaghetti
  • Yesterday
  • Together
  • Firefighter
  • President
  • Carpenter
  • Chocolate

3-Syllable Words for Class 3:

  • Universe
  • Caterpillar
  • Adventure
  • Elephant
  • Kangaroo
  • Telephone
  • Vegetable
  • December
  • Umbrella
  • November
  • Butterfly
  • Exercise
  • Calendar
  • Everything
  • Universe
  • Favorite
  • Fantastic
  • Important
  • Discover
  • Happiness

Open 3-Syllable Words

These words have an open syllable pattern where the first syllable often ends with a vowel sound.

  • Banana
  • Tomato
  • Cinema
  • Potato
  • Idea
  • Media
  • Camera
  • Volcano
  • Piano
  • Radio
  • Video
  • Studio
  • Diploma
  • Kimono
  • Bravo
  • Patio
  • Tornado
  • Mosquito
  • Avocado
  • Horizon

Closed 3-Syllable Words

These words have a closed syllable pattern where each syllable typically ends in a consonant.

  • Elephant
  • Festival
  • Hospital
  • Carpenter
  • Chocolate
  • Beautiful
  • Wonderful
  • President
  • Apartment
  • September
  • November
  • December
  • Sandwich
  • Kangaroo
  • Butterfly
  • Telephone
  • Vegetable
  • Adventure
  • Caterpillar
  • Umbrella

Powerful 3-Syllable Words

These words carry a sense of strength or impact.

  • Powerful
  • Dangerous
  • Brilliant
  • Magnificent
  • Creative
  • Fabulous
  • Ultimate
  • Important
  • Fantastic
  • Incredible
  • Generous
  • Wonderful
  • Positive
  • Terrific
  • Spectacular
  • Inspiring
  • Excellent
  • Marvelous
  • Ambitious
  • Courageous

Three Syllable Words with Silent ‘E’:

  • Advocate
  • Candidate
  • Chocolate
  • Interfere
  • Absolute
  • Masquerade
  • Palindrome
  • Silhouette
  • Committee
  • Magnitude
  • Lemonade
  • Separate
  • Rectangle
  • Avalanche
  • Heritage
  • Tolerate
  • Universe
  • Resonate
  • Celebrate
  • Coordinate

Animals with 3 Syllables:

  • Elephant
  • Kangaroo
  • Chimpanzee
  • Alligator
  • Crocodile
  • Armadillo
  • Rhinoceros
  • co*ckatoo
  • Porcupine

Three Syllable Words that Rhyme:

  • Beautiful – Musical
  • Butterfly – Certify
  • Chocolate – Anecdote
  • Adventure – Denture
  • Umbrella – Cinderella
  • Computer – Disputer
  • Yesterday – Castaway
  • Elephant – Elegant
  • Caterpillar – Distiller
  • Universe – Rehearse

Three Syllable Words Teams:

  • Volunteer
  • Celebrate
  • Engineer
  • Universe
  • Adventure
  • Chocolate
  • Butterfly
  • November
  • Remember
  • Elephant

Phrases with 3-Syllable Words:

  • Absolutely stunning view.
  • Temporary situation only.
  • Universally accepted truth.
  • Incredible opportunity awaits.
  • Terrifying experience overall.
  • Fundamental principle applies.
  • Deliberately avoided conflict.
  • Generosity knows no bounds.
  • Documentary reveals much.
  • Automatically updates itself.

Three Syllable Words Speech Therapy:

  • Caterpillar
  • Delicious
  • Different
  • Exercise
  • Fantastic
  • Hippopotamus
  • Important
  • Musician
  • Telephone
  • Vegetable


How to Teach 3-Syllable Words?

Teaching three-syllable words involves breaking down the word into its syllabic components. Start by identifying each syllable separately, using clapping or tapping to physically segment the word.

Use visual aids, like dividing the word with slashes or dots between syllables (e.g., cel/e/brate). Practice with words that have clear patterns such as compound words (basket/ball) and gradually move to more complex words. Reinforce learning by having students create sentences using these words.

How to Pronounce 3-Syllable Words?

Pronouncing three-syllable words correctly entails understanding syllable stress patterns. Identify the stressed syllable, which is typically louder, longer, and higher in pitch. Practice by saying the word slowly, emphasizing the stressed syllable, and de-emphasizing the others.

Use online dictionaries to listen to the pronunciation, and repeat the words, mimicking the stress pattern. Consistent practice with different words helps improve pronunciation over time.

How to Separate 3-Syllable Words?

Separating three-syllable words involves identifying the individual syllables. Look for vowel sounds, as each syllable has at least one. Use phonetic knowledge to find consonants that commonly end or begin syllables.

Break the word down where there are changes in sound (e.g., di/rec/tion). Practice by writing the words and drawing lines or dots to indicate breaks. This visual representation aids in recognizing syllable boundaries.

How to Stress 3-Syllable Words?

Stressing three-syllable words correctly requires knowing which syllable receives the primary emphasis. In English, stress patterns can be complex, but certain rules help.

For instance, in many three-syllable nouns and adjectives, the stress is usually on the first syllable, while in verbs, it’s often on the second syllable (e.g., ‘REcord’ vs. ‘reCORD’).

Practice by speaking out loud and listening to native speakers, noticing how the stress alters the word’s meaning and form.

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Three Syllable Words (Everything You Need to Know) - EngDic (2024)
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Author: Roderick King

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Views: 5883

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Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.