Weather Today Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport - meteoblue (2024)


Weather Today Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport - meteoblue (1)

Weather Today Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport - meteoblue (2)

Weather Today Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport - meteoblue (3)

Weather Today Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport - meteoblue (4)

Weather Today Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport - meteoblue (5)

Weather Today Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport - meteoblue (6)

Weather Today Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport - meteoblue (7)

Weather Today Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport - meteoblue (8)

Weather Today Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport - meteoblue (9)























































Sun elevation

/ 33.2°

Weather Today Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport - meteoblue (10)

UV 7





METAR for Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (LFPG)

Time Conditions Temperature/
Dew point
Wind Visibility Weather Clouds Pressure Change Raw
VFR 96.8°F / 60.8°F 12kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1009 No Significant change LFPG 121500Z VRB12KT CAVOK 36/16 Q1009 NOSIG
VFR 96.8°F / 60.8°F 190º variable 170º to 260º 10kt Gust 24kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1009 No Significant change LFPG 121430Z 19010G24KT 170V260 CAVOK 36/16 Q1009 NOSIG
VFR 98.6°F / 62.6°F 190º variable 100º to 240º 11kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1009 No Significant change LFPG 121400Z 19011KT 100V240 CAVOK 37/17 Q1009 NOSIG
VFR 96.8°F / 60.8°F 190º 12kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1009 No Significant change LFPG 121330Z 19012KT CAVOK 36/16 Q1009 NOSIG
VFR 96.8°F / 62.6°F 190º variable 160º to 220º 10kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1009 No Significant change LFPG 121300Z 19010KT 160V220 CAVOK 36/17 Q1009 NOSIG
VFR 96.8°F / 62.6°F 180º variable 070º to 220º 9kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1010 No Significant change LFPG 121230Z 18009KT 070V220 CAVOK 36/17 Q1010 NOSIG
VFR 95°F / 64.4°F 170º variable 110º to 250º 9kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1010 No Significant change LFPG 121200Z 17009KT 110V250 CAVOK 35/18 Q1010 NOSIG
VFR 93.2°F / 64.4°F 180º variable 140º to 210º 10kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1010 No Significant change LFPG 121130Z 18010KT 140V210 CAVOK 34/18 Q1010 NOSIG
VFR 91.4°F / 64.4°F 180º variable 070º to 210º 8kt Gust 22kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1010 No Significant change LFPG 121100Z 18008G22KT 070V210 CAVOK 33/18 Q1010 NOSIG
VFR 89.6°F / 64.4°F 190º variable 140º to 270º 7kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1010 No Significant change LFPG 121030Z 19007KT 140V270 CAVOK 32/18 Q1010 NOSIG
VFR 87.8°F / 64.4°F 8kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1011 No Significant change LFPG 121000Z VRB08KT CAVOK 31/18 Q1011 NOSIG
VFR 87.8°F / 66.2°F 200º variable 160º to 240º 8kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1010 No Significant change LFPG 120930Z 20008KT 160V240 CAVOK 31/19 Q1010 NOSIG
VFR 84.2°F / 66.2°F 210º variable 160º to 240º 8kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1011 No Significant change LFPG 120900Z 21008KT 160V240 CAVOK 29/19 Q1011 NOSIG
VFR 82.4°F / 66.2°F 170º variable 050º to 210º 8kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1011 No Significant change LFPG 120830Z 17008KT 050V210 CAVOK 28/19 Q1011 NOSIG
VFR 80.6°F / 68°F 170º variable 110º to 200º 8kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1011 No Significant change LFPG 120800Z 17008KT 110V200 CAVOK 27/20 Q1011 NOSIG
VFR 77°F / 66.2°F 150º 8kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1011 No Significant change LFPG 120730Z 15008KT CAVOK 25/19 Q1011 NOSIG
VFR 77°F / 66.2°F 130º 8kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1011 No Significant change LFPG 120700Z 13008KT CAVOK 25/19 Q1011 NOSIG
VFR 75.2°F / 64.4°F 130º 7kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1011 No Significant change LFPG 120630Z 13007KT CAVOK 24/18 Q1011 NOSIG
VFR 75.2°F / 64.4°F 130º 6kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1011 No Significant change LFPG 120600Z 13006KT CAVOK 24/18 Q1011 NOSIG
VFR 73.4°F / 64.4°F 140º variable 100º to 160º 5kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1011 No Significant change LFPG 120530Z 14005KT 100V160 CAVOK 23/18 Q1011 NOSIG
VFR 73.4°F / 64.4°F 130º 5kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1011 No Significant change LFPG 120500Z 13005KT CAVOK 23/18 Q1011 NOSIG
VFR 75.2°F / 64.4°F 120º 7kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1011 No Significant change LFPG 120430Z 12007KT CAVOK 24/18 Q1011 NOSIG
VFR 73.4°F / 62.6°F 110º 5kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1011 No Significant change LFPG 120400Z 11005KT CAVOK 23/17 Q1011 NOSIG
VFR 75.2°F / 62.6°F 90º 5kt 9700m - Clouds and Visibility OK 1011 No Significant change LFPG 120330Z 09005KT CAVOK 24/17 Q1011 NOSIG


96.8°F / 60.8°F


Wind 12kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1009
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 121500Z VRB12KT CAVOK 36/16 Q1009 NOSIG


96.8°F / 60.8°F


Wind 190º variable 170º to 260º 10kt Gust 24kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1009
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 121430Z 19010G24KT 170V260 CAVOK 36/16 Q1009 NOSIG


98.6°F / 62.6°F


Wind 190º variable 100º to 240º 11kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1009
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 121400Z 19011KT 100V240 CAVOK 37/17 Q1009 NOSIG


96.8°F / 60.8°F


Wind 190º 12kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1009
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 121330Z 19012KT CAVOK 36/16 Q1009 NOSIG


96.8°F / 62.6°F


Wind 190º variable 160º to 220º 10kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1009
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 121300Z 19010KT 160V220 CAVOK 36/17 Q1009 NOSIG


96.8°F / 62.6°F


Wind 180º variable 070º to 220º 9kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1010
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 121230Z 18009KT 070V220 CAVOK 36/17 Q1010 NOSIG


95°F / 64.4°F


Wind 170º variable 110º to 250º 9kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1010
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 121200Z 17009KT 110V250 CAVOK 35/18 Q1010 NOSIG


93.2°F / 64.4°F


Wind 180º variable 140º to 210º 10kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1010
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 121130Z 18010KT 140V210 CAVOK 34/18 Q1010 NOSIG


91.4°F / 64.4°F


Wind 180º variable 070º to 210º 8kt Gust 22kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1010
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 121100Z 18008G22KT 070V210 CAVOK 33/18 Q1010 NOSIG


89.6°F / 64.4°F


Wind 190º variable 140º to 270º 7kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1010
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 121030Z 19007KT 140V270 CAVOK 32/18 Q1010 NOSIG


87.8°F / 64.4°F


Wind 8kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1011
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 121000Z VRB08KT CAVOK 31/18 Q1011 NOSIG


87.8°F / 66.2°F


Wind 200º variable 160º to 240º 8kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1010
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 120930Z 20008KT 160V240 CAVOK 31/19 Q1010 NOSIG


84.2°F / 66.2°F


Wind 210º variable 160º to 240º 8kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1011
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 120900Z 21008KT 160V240 CAVOK 29/19 Q1011 NOSIG


82.4°F / 66.2°F


Wind 170º variable 050º to 210º 8kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1011
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 120830Z 17008KT 050V210 CAVOK 28/19 Q1011 NOSIG


80.6°F / 68°F


Wind 170º variable 110º to 200º 8kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1011
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 120800Z 17008KT 110V200 CAVOK 27/20 Q1011 NOSIG


77°F / 66.2°F


Wind 150º 8kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1011
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 120730Z 15008KT CAVOK 25/19 Q1011 NOSIG


77°F / 66.2°F


Wind 130º 8kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1011
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 120700Z 13008KT CAVOK 25/19 Q1011 NOSIG


75.2°F / 64.4°F


Wind 130º 7kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1011
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 120630Z 13007KT CAVOK 24/18 Q1011 NOSIG


75.2°F / 64.4°F


Wind 130º 6kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1011
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 120600Z 13006KT CAVOK 24/18 Q1011 NOSIG


73.4°F / 64.4°F


Wind 140º variable 100º to 160º 5kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1011
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 120530Z 14005KT 100V160 CAVOK 23/18 Q1011 NOSIG


73.4°F / 64.4°F


Wind 130º 5kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1011
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 120500Z 13005KT CAVOK 23/18 Q1011 NOSIG


75.2°F / 64.4°F


Wind 120º 7kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1011
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 120430Z 12007KT CAVOK 24/18 Q1011 NOSIG


73.4°F / 62.6°F


Wind 110º 5kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1011
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 120400Z 11005KT CAVOK 23/17 Q1011 NOSIG


75.2°F / 62.6°F


Wind 90º 5kt
Visibility 9700m
Weather -
Clouds Clouds and Visibility OK
Pressure 1011
Change No Significant change
Raw LFPG 120330Z 09005KT CAVOK 24/17 Q1011 NOSIG

TAF for Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (LFPG)

From till

Maximum Temperature 38ºC on . Minimum Temperature 21ºC on .
From till Wind 190º 10kt. Visibility 9700m. Nil Significant Cloud.
With 30% probability, Temporarly from till Visibility 4000m. Light Showers Rain . Scattered Clouds 10000ft.
Becoming from till
With 30% probability, Temporarly from till Wind 15kt. Gust 30kt. Visibility 2500m. Thunderstorm Rain Thunderstorm Hail . Scattered Clouds 6000ft.
Becoming from till
With 30% probability, Temporarly from till Visibility 2000m. Thunderstorm Rain . Scattered Clouds 7000ft.

Raw: TAF LFPG 121100Z 1212/1318 19010KT CAVOK TX38/1215Z TN21/1304Z PROB30 TEMPO 1212/1214 4000 -SHRA SCT100TCU BECMG 1215/1217 25010KT PROB30 TEMPO 1217/1220 VRB15G30KT 2500 TSRAGR SCT060CB BECMG 1220/1222 33010KT PROB30 TEMPO 1300/1306 2000 TSRA SCT070CB

Other airports around Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport

  • Paris–Le Bourget Airport (LFPB) / 9 km
  • Paris Orly Airport (LFPO) / 35 km
  • Vélizy – Villacoublay Air Base (LFPV) / 36 km
  • Toussus-le-Noble Airport (LFPN) / 42 km
  • Paris-Beauvais Airport (LFOB) / 57 km
  • Rouen Airport (LFOP) / 106 km
  • Albert – Picardie Airport (LFAQ) / 107 km
  • Paris-Vatry Airport (LFOK) / 122 km
  • Orléans – Saint-Denis-de-l'Hôtel Airport (LFOZ) / 127 km

Radar and precipitation nowcast for Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport





Very Heavy


The location marker is placed on Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. This animation shows the precipitation radar for the selected time range, as well as a 2h forecast. Orange crosses indicate lightning. Data provided by (available in USA, Europe, Australia). Drizzle or light snow fall might be invisible for the radar. Precipitation intensity is colour coded, ranging from turquoise to red.

Current satellite and rain images for Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, France

The location marker is placed on Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport. [More]

The real-time satellite image combines visible light during daytime with infrared radiation during nighttime. At night, the image is not dark as infrared radiation can detect temperature differences. Unfortunately, low clouds and fog are difficult to distinguish from ground temperatures and thus can be almost invisible during the night. Meteosat satellite images for Europe are updated in real-time every 5 minutes. GOES-16/GOES-17 (North & South America) and Himawari (Asia) images update every 10 minutes.

Precipitation is estimated from radar and satellites. Precipitation estimates from satellites are less accurate at night than during daytime.

© 2024 meteoblue, NOAA Satellites GOES-16 and EUMETSAT. Lightning data provided by nowcast.

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Weather Today Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport - meteoblue (2024)
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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.